Enterprise Centre for the Aerospace Technology Park of Andalucía, Aerópolis
José Antonio Carbajal Navarro, Nicolás Carbajal Ballell y Rodrigo Carbajal Ballell | La Rinconada ( Seville), Spain| March 2011 -
CVNE Winery in La Rioja, Spain
Cvne winery refurbishment for tasting hall and reception area for visitors
Scale: 2,400 sqm
Location: Haro, La Rioja, Spain
Status: Completed March 2009
Lighting designer: Diego Carretero
Furniture: Batavia
Photographer: Jesús Granada
Finalist at Saloni Architecture Prize 2010
Best of Wine Tourism 2010 (Great Wine Capitals)Publications
Detail (2010/04), AIT (2010/09), C3 (to be published in Aahn Interior 2011), Proyecto Contract (2010/07), Formas de Proyectar (2009/06), DSS (2011/01)Cvne is an ancient winery located in the wine district, Barrio de la Estación, Haro in the Rioja Alta wine region.The new wine tasting hall and reception area for visitors comprise of the refurbishment of the original founding building that dates back to 1879 and the remodelling of the surrounding grounds.
The regained area is transformed into the nerve centre of Cvne, recovering the tradicional spirit of the winery. NINOM’s proposal was to resolve a complex programme with one action whilst still respecting the original construction. A single volume, an “iron box”, dialogues with the old stone walls, discreetly organizing movement and creating new spaces between the iron skin and the stone container.
The iron volume includes the private areas: offices, private tasting hall. In the new interspaces between the iron skin and the stone walls, reception, exposition, public wine tasting, and shopping areas are organized in a continuous flow.
Public kindergarten in Vélez Rubio (Almería), Spain
Text description provided by the architects. The aim of this project was to help the development of psychomotor, mental, and social abilities. At an early age and instinctively, children identify the pitched roof with the house, hence their drawings: the roof, the box and, last, the doors and windows. A nursery is but a “big – house” in which they spend most of their time. This idea, interpreted of course, is the origin of this proposal. The big structural slab (roof) is folded in space. This allows us to double the height of the floor so as to adapt the skyline to the next buildings as well as to amplify the interior space and the natural light. This cover wraps all the rooms in the nursery and houses most of the facilities (plumbing, telecommunication and lighting). Below this heaven-tent, the program develops into eight classrooms assigned to three groups of children, divided according to age. There is also a polyvalent dining-room, a kitchen, and administration offices distributed around a patio where children play. The different classrooms are connected to open-air spaces, which permit a permanent inside-outside relationship.
Once the roof and the program were designed, LosdelDesierto had to decide upon the façade. They did not want the traditional windows that abound in the village; They wanted to give a special identity to the building. So they made up a simple system of panels in the form of a jigsaw puzzle to configure the distribution of voids in the façade. The circular trims are colored with special films in green-yellow, blue and magenta tones inside a laminated glass. During the day, the interior is tainted with different colors, like natural lanterns. At night the interior lights illuminate the façade, giving the quarter a fun look.
LosdelDesierto used a flexible vinyl laminate for floors and the base of walls. The color of the material is used to differentiate classrooms by the age of the students. The world of the children is separated from the worlds of adults through the color in the walls, which disappears at 1,30 meter, the height of the spatial vision of a child. Above this limit, the surfaces of the walls are unfinished and the facilities are all visible. At best, they are just treated with polyurethane so that they can be easily cleaned. As heating system, the nursery has under floor heating, ideal for this building type. Moreover, this system is compatible with the production of hot water by installing solar collecting equipment attached to the roof, thereby reducing energy expenditure.
LosdelDesierto understood that a building must satisfy its users’ needs. And, they say, “if we are speaking of children up to 3 years, they must have fun. Color is very important at an early age. Our son at that age used color to differentiate, distribute and construct jigsaw puzzles and sentences.” The building incorporates color in the vinyl laminates of the floors and wall bases. It separates children according to their ages and distinguishes the common spaces from the classrooms. Their selection criterion, they claim, contributes to the development of their psychomotor, mental and social capacities. For the classrooms designed for children under 1 year the color is blue (relaxation, the sea, the world of dreams); classrooms for children between 1 and 2 are painted in orange (psychomotor stimulation, activity); for children between 2 and 3 years of age, the color chosen is green (contact with nature). And common spaces use mixed colors: it is the world of society and the collective. The program runs easily around a central playground (extension of the dining room or multipurpose room), but the folding of the roof slab deforms the rational stay prism (3.20 m) and wide interior space to the outer limits the building (5.80 m). On the scale of babies, packed dimensions are a huge world, with an own sky drawn by the nonlinear distribution of the fixtures.
From the architectonic point of view the wrapping of the building would admit voids in different shapes: square, star, heart, and triangle. That is to say, the weight of the project rests on the slab and the façade is an element that simply separates the interior from the exterior. But LosdelDesierto were looking for a connection between this perforation and the user. The circle suggests many analogies (hole, eye, game, moon…) and, above all, it lacks angles and can be used as table, seat and even as a hammock. Three different diameters (1,80m; 1,00m; 0,40m) define the holes in this Gruyere cheese. Ergonomy and simplicity, however, dictate that only those of intermediate dimension are practicable. The original project included the use of prefabricated concrete pieces to solve the shape of the holes and the assemblage of the big pieces. During construction, for logistic reasons, we discarded prefab material in favor of the traditional brick wall (brick 19cm + air chamber + insulation + brick 9cm). They also had to change the criterion for assemblage. They inverted the construction logic. First, there was the hole and then the wrapping. The layout of the steel rings (1 cm thick and 40 cm wide) sustained the carpentry in lacquered aluminum.
The decision on the part of the town hall to place the center in a residential area both conferred identity and revalued the area. It is a quiet neighborhood with a high percentage of old people. The coming and going of families taking their children to the nursery contributes to the social wellbeing of the community and undoubtedly helps pass the time of those who sit in the balcony to watch the comings and goings of children. People have welcomed the building. They interpret the building in their own ways, but they do not think it does not fit its surroundings. Maybe because the circles in different colors make them think of the flowerpots hanging on the walls of their patios.
Architects LosdelDesierto Location Calle de los Ángeles, 04820 Vélez-Rubio, Spain Architect LosdelDesierto = Eva Luque + Alejandro Pascual. Structural Engineer Alejandro Pascual Soler Mechanical System Engineer Secoal SI Contractor Ajumi Sa Area 874.1 m2 Project Year 2009 Photographs Jesús Granada
Tribute tower in Huéscar (Granada), Spain.
Tribute Tower in Huéscar (Granada), Spain | Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas, architect The Torre del Homenaje at Huéscar is a military watch tower which, following the conquering of the city in 1434, was lopped off and became part of the domestic surroundings. 600 years later, the aim of the project is to recover the view of the horizon from the tower; rise up to be able to observe the view of the landscape. Here, restoring is, first and foremost, being able to see. The position of the building is not a random choice, but determined by the topographical conditions, favourable for creating visual control of the territory; but the destruction of a large part of Huéscar’s alcazaba and reduction of the Torre del Homenaje make it difficult to interpret the relationship between the built-up environment and natural one, between the monument (as a singular element) and undefined extension of its landscape.
Tribute Tower in Huéscar (Granada), Spain | Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas, architect The project exploits the site on the following two scales: at close range, emphasizing the peculiarity of the building inside the urban fabric, and afar, creating a panoramic platform which re-establishes the link between city and territory, urban space and natural landscape. The intervention shows just how a contemporary sensitivity enhances the material and immaterial patrimony present here, giving importance to the Roman ashlars of the base, the walkways, to the great bulk of the tapial, which gives shape to the tower and the horizon…From this viewpoint, the past does not exist but is constructed thanks to historiographic research and through the project. Any form of intervention is always carried out from a contemporary point of view.
Axonometric drawing. Tribute tower in Huéscar (Granada), Spain. | Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas, architect Section drawing. Tribute tower in Huéscar (Granada), Spain. | Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas, architect This is why the enhancement of the Torre del Homenaje is intended more as an evocation than a recovery of the morphology that we know, with the utmost respect for the original construction as a document open to future interpretations. This evocation and recovery of the horizon are achieved by highlighting the defensive feature of the tower. In order to do this, it was necessary to make specific elements visible, elements with military characteristics. This is why the forms of medieval stockades are evoked through a wooden structure, re-establishing the presence of the lookout and enabling us to gain access via flights of steps, creating new views and spaces. Prior to its defensive function, the site already possessed identity as a landscape and clearly expressed its geographical and territorial condition. A double ramp, with independent ascent and descent, rises up towards the horizon. This structure, positioned upon the remains of the lopped off tower, evokes the construction of the medieval stockades which served as temporary defensive fortifications across this extent of territory.
Tribute Tower in Huéscar (Granada), Spain | Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas, architect Project gallery:
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Project details:
architect: Antonio Jiménez Torrecillas
location: plaza Alhóndiga, Granada
project: 2002
end of works: 2008
client: Consejería de Cultura de la Junta de Andalucía
collabotrators: Manuel Guzmán Castaños, Nicolás Torices Abarca
technical architect: Miguel Ángel Ramos Puertollano, Mª Jesús Conde Sánchez
technical consultant: José Manuel López Osorio
contractor: Estructuras y Vías del Sur S.L.
built surface: 810,02 sqm
unbuilt surface: 472,34 sqmProject publications:
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LV Facilities building in Barcelona
“I believe taht everyone should live in one big empty space. It can be a small space, as long as it’s clean and empty.” The Philosophy of Andy Warhol (from A to B and Back Again)
In the competition’s conditions of entry, the site was divided in two: The north-facing corner, concealed from the sun and with scant ventilation, to house 40-m2 dwellings for young people and the Carrer Londres front, for an infants’ and primary school, with much higher building levels than would actually be used. Our idea was to return to Antonio Bonet’s ‘Mediterranean’ Building, a hybrid that aspired not so much to break with Cerda’s rules as to explore the true potential of a series of bylaws which, though never passed,would have made exceptions something usual in the new town of the Eixample: its passages, ground-floor workshops, façade courtyards, singular street corners and a concern with sidewalks that do not allow pedestrians to get away from cars, an element that did not exist in the 19th century. Bonet redefined the ground floor,sidewalks and alignments, adapting them to the 1960s.
Our project continues Bonet’s concern with extending the sidewalk and moving pedestrians away from the traffic by recovering the idea of a permeable street that lay at the origin of the Eixample. In this way, Carrer Londres extends its 20 metres with a succession of parallel spaces, a bar code in which the strips rub against each other, alternating full and empty, light and building, and creating visual relationships and cross connections between the street and the street block interior.
The project occupies the 28.5 metres of depth, dividing the building up into narrow, parallel volumes that are terraced from north to south, letting sunlight into both the dwellings and the infants’ classrooms, avoiding the compactness and ventilation shafts typical of the Eixample, and enabling the two different programmes (school and dwellings) to coexist and dialogue. These two programmes give rise to an intermediate passage, hall or patio that leads into the school, freeing up the sidewalk of the students accumulations that tend to occur at school gates. The complex functions like a miniature city.
The apartment block is laid out with a 7.5-metre deep portico, producing 45 apartments of 45 m2 whose scant depth provides natural cross ventilation and sunlighting. Access is via industrial walkways suspended over the passage at a distance of 2 metres from the southern façade, like bridge-balconies leading to the dwellings; 2.5 m2 of entrance porch, a multipurpose space to leave a bicycle, dry clothes, sunbathe or fill with plants. It is as though we have piled up single-familly houses.Technical data:
Location: C/ Londres / Villarroel, Barcelona
Programme: 45 residential units 10hj, CEIP, nursery, parking 410 vehicles
Date: Jan 2001 (cont), Jan 2002 (project), Oct 2003-Sept 2006 (construction)
Prop. Developer: FCC
Consultants: Manuel Arguijo (structures), JSS (MEP), Teresa Galí Agricultural and Landscape Engineer, Xavi Badia (budget)
Construction Firm: FCC
Area (m2): 18.141 m2
Budget (€): 8.068.100 €Awards:
-Award: National Award for Public Promotion Housing Quality 2006, Housing Ministry ’08
-Award City of Barcelona 2006
-Award of the IX Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism (2005-06), Collective Housing category.
-Award II Prize of Housing Architecture J.A. Coderch 2007.Publications
School in Galisteo
MGM architects | January 2007 | Galisteo (Cáceres), Spain. Extremadura Government convoked a competition for the building of a school in the expanding area of Galisteo, a village of some 1,200 inhabitants in the Province of Caceres, with an outstanding Almohad wall that surrounds its historic core. The plot of land is situated on a low ridge next to a small group of industrial hangars.The building adapts to the existing slope, bending and stretching forth until finding its own place and constructing its own topography, for which it has generated its own open spaces, distinctive playgrounds and sports courts, which seek the best insolation (classrooms to the north and access galleries to the south) and panoramic views towards the urban area of Galisteo.The building basically unfolds along the plot’s lowest datum, which obliges it to contain the height difference of the terrain in the direction of its east facade in order to spread out and open up towards the side street in the west, an area from where the main access to the building is produced. This involves not only a humanisation of this street but also a control of the built volume, which thus does not exceed seven metres in height, finally generating a building that mimics its surroundings and is not only user-friendly but also fits in with the village.The programme unfolds in three packages that are distinctive in situation and shape: general administration and teaching staff; classroom and workshop area; and sports zone.A covered passageway crosses the building from north to south, connecting all these functional packages. The sports zone is situated in the extreme north in order to isolate the rest of the building from the noise, without for all that being less well communicated: an entrance is created for the entire sports area in order to allow it to function independently of the rest of the institute during the weekends.Both workshops and classrooms are linked to different playgrounds, a source of light and SIlence during school hours, which are related to the landscape via a discontinuous outer wall made with galvanised-steel components that. function as both a protective veil for the building and a mirador towards Galisteo.The general administration and teaching staff area are situated on the upper datum, next to the main entrance to the school, boxed into the terrain, a placement that permits external visits to the school without the need to cross areas reserved for the pupils and teachers, and thus not interfering with the building’s teaching activities.The classrooms and workshops face north, in order to prevent excessive glare; the layoutof the classroom enables the sun to enter through the playgrounds to its left. Access to the classroom is produced via a passageway with a strong relationship to the playgrounds, and which is understood as a place of recreation in the dead time between classes. In order to avoid noise pollution in the direction of the classrooms, a stout separating wall has been installed that houses the lockers of the pupils.
Revista C3 #288
Monografías 2G #51 – Gustavo Gili – MGM arquitectos – Morale, Giles, Mariscal.Ficha Técnica
Nombre del proyecto: Nuevo Instituto de enseñanza obligatoria de 12 unidades en Galisteo
Arquitectos: MGM arquitectos
Maqueta: Minori Hoshijima, Ana C.dos Santos, Tania Magda
Construcción: 2007
Constructora: UTE CARIJA S.A. – KANTRILA S.L.